Test Center Advisory Board (TCAB)

Background and Responsibilities

In 2023, the Testing Center became part of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT).  As part of its integration, a Testing Center Advisory Board (TCAB) was formed to assist Testing Center staff in an advisory capacity.  Responsibilities for each board member include:

  • review and input on Testing Center policies and practices
  • serve as a liaison to their respective college/unit
  • provide input on student and faculty training and resource development
  • provide input on supported assessment technologies
  • general service delivery and experience improvements
  • advocate for Testing Center use among peers

Member Information

The Testing Center Manager will solicit membership for Board participation from current instructor users or users within the last year.  A term for each representative is three years, with a rotation each academic year of three members on and three members off.  The Testing Center Manager and the previous Chair select the TCAB Chair and Vice Chair.  The Chair is the co-facilitator with the Testing Center Manager of each board meeting.  TCAB meets at least twice per semester, with more meetings as the group decides.

Lori Biederman – CALS – Vice Chair

Vacant – Design

Julie Rursch – Engineering – Chair

Anna Peterson – LAS

Arne Hallam – At Large

Jen Flugge – ITS

Clara Hernandez – Student Accessibility Services

Bruce Kraft- Ivy College of Business

Vacant – CHS

Joel Hochstein – Testing Center Manager